Tuesday, July 23, 2024

New Book Release 7/23/24

 Happy book birthday to these new releases!

Fated to the Feral Wolf by. April L. Moon

Book synopsis from Goodreads:

I never would have seen him coming, not in a million years. Feral. Growling. Terrifying. Until my wolf claimed him as hers. ShayI'm a lot of things; a loyal best friend, music lover, introvert. All labels I'd happily claim as mine. Survivor of abuse, I'll claim because it's true, and I'm a survivor. But fated mate? That one feels like an ill-fitting glove. Especially when said mate has been feral for years, and nobody knows what sent him over the edge, let alone how to get him back. But there's no denying my wolf, and she wants him. So what's a girl to do? Bathe the stinky wolf if he's going to sneak into my bed and then play him Mozart until dawn. Obviously. But a fated mate connection is a once in a lifetime bond. And if he can't turn back into a man . . . will I be alone forever, even with him at my side? DirgeI've been on the run for so many years, I don't remember how to be a man, not really. But Shay calls to that part of me, the part I hid away so long ago. She's everything a man could want. Gorgeous, intelligent, and funny, all wrapped into a stunning, shyly sweet package. There's nothing under the moon I want more than to hold her in my arms. That's the problem, though; if I give into the urge, if I change back and take her as mine . . . I sign her death warrant. The fates have foretold it, and the only way I can save her is to never go back, no matter how badly it hurts. To save her, I have to stay a wolf.


A Thousand Broken Pieces by. Tillie Cole

Book synopsis from Goodreads:

Can two broken hearts make a whole. . . ?

After losing her beloved sister three years ago, Savanna Litchfield has been living half a life. When Savannah's therapist suggests joining a trip around the world for grieving teens she agrees to go clutching tightly to the unread journal her sister left behind.

Seventeen-year-old Cael Woods is angry. One year after losing his older brother his life has spiraled. Once the most promising hockey player in the junior league, Cael can no longer step onto the ice. When his parents sign him up for a trip abroad no part of him wants to go.

As Cael and Savannah embark on a journey they begin to find solace in each other. As they start to heal piece by broken piece, could this be the start of a love they never thought they'd feel again?

A Thousand Broken Pieces is a beautiful and life-affirming novel about grief, love and friendship.

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