Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Top 5 Tuesday - Top 5 Books with International Travel | 7/23/24

 Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme created by Bionic Bookworm, now hosted by Meeghan Reads. If you’re interested in participating, check out their blog to get the details and the prompts for each week. 

This week's topic: top 5 books with international travel






South Korea






Top 5 Tuesday topics: July 2024

2 July: Top 5 anticipated reads for Q3 2024

It’s time to talk about all the shiny new books coming out in July, August and September 2024. What are the books you can’t wait to hold in your hands the most?

9 July: Top 5 books with small town vibes

Not sure about you, but I have a fondness for books set in small villages. Doesn’t matter if it’s a crossroad town in the mid-west, or a small fishing village in Norway. If the population is so small a stranger sticks out like a sore thumb, that’s the vibe we are going for.

16 July: Top 5 books set in a big city

In the total opposite to the week before, we are now aiming for a big city setting. Give me all of those big city feels where a person could get lost in the foot traffic walking down the street.

23 July: Top 5 books with international travel

Whether it’s a fictional land or ours, let’s share all of those travels across countries, whether by sea, air, or land. You could even find a book where the characters jump over a border!

30 July: Top 5 books with time travel

Ahh, the most outrageous travel of all  and the most unreal. Tell us about your fave books where the characters skip through time (or space). If you can’t think of any, a book that spans multiple eras will also do the trick.

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